Saturday, December 26, 2009

Final Fantasy Crystal Bearers Review

Hey guys. I just picked my copy of

"Final Fantasy Crystal Bearers" for the Wii console today. I'm about 2 hours in and although I can't give you a full review, here are a couple things to note thus far.

Overall (so far) 6/10


- Great graphics considering this is on the Wii.
- Character design is decent. It shows signs of an actual Final Fantasy game in this aspect. Plus, the girls are hot.
- Decent level design. (However, world map design is very poor)


- Poor voice acting. At times, I just want to shoot myself in the face because the characters sound too whiny. Dialogue is also poor and sometimes is not in sync with the graphics. Reminds me of a Godzilla movie.
- Storyline is pretty much nonexistent. Very cliche and predictable where it exists.
- Controls are too dependent on the wii-mote. Often becomes VERY frustrating to target enemies.
- Not like any other Crystal Chronicle title.

In Depth:

Lack of a coherent story and flawed controls makes "Crystal Bearers" definitely a rent first game. Don't buy it before you try playing it because you may be in for a world of disappointment. If you're a Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles fan, you'll definitely be disappointed.

Graphics: 9/10

Graphics for this game is pretty good considering that it's on the Wii. Character design is good and level design/environment is good. In addition, the in game cinematic are very well done.

Storyline: 4/10

The storyline is very poor. The game is relatively fast paced and often times jumps too fast between story and story to the point where you don't understand what's going on anymore. There are also many cliche childish moments too that make you want to rage. Sometimes, I feel as if the game has too many cutscenes which don't really have any significant purpose and detracts from the game play.

Gameplay: 3/10

This is where the game really falls flat on its face. The controls and gameplay are both overall very poor. The game is highly dependent on the using the Wii-mote as it's primarily method of control. Defeating enemies in the game generally consists of pointing your remote at them, locking on and then throwing them around with something equivalent of "the force". It reminds me a bit of the flash game "Castle Defense" where one had to click on an enemy and hurdle towards the sky.

There are also many "mini-games" towards the beginning of the game that made me rage wince I couldn't hold my wii-mote still, I continued to die over and over again. The game is slow to start up also. In beginning, you'll find yourself moving Moogles and random children for gold coins via throwing them across the screen.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Final Fantasy XIII English Trailer

This was released a while ago. I just wanted to share it on my website. Enjoy!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Nintendo DS R4 and Hacks Now Legal

Nintendo has just lost a huge court case. A judge has ruled that Nintendo's method of using flash cards resulted in them illegally locking out 3rd party developers from utilizing functionality of the DS.

What does this mean? It means that previously "illegal" methods of hacking the DS such as with the R4 or supercards are now deemed legal.

Now, before you go crazy pirating games, I have to clarify. The buying and selling of R4s are legal and can be utilized to play games homebrews and backed up games, but the pirating of DS games are still illegal.

Sorry folks. :(