Saturday, February 20, 2010

Homemade Power Jelq

Maybe some of you out have seen the "Power Jelq" device and wondered if it actually works. Maybe you wanted to give it a try. However, last time I checked, it was around $60+ dollars? Well, if you've been interested, I'm about to show you a way to make it for under $10.

What you will need:

A jar lifter (this one is the cheapest)

1/2 inch pipe foam insulation (with the adhesive already in there. It can be any length as long as its 1/2 inch)

Your favorite type of tape (electric works well)

Now that we've got all our parts together, it's time assemble.

1) Get measuring tape and measuring the length of the gripping part of the jar lifter. This is where you're going attach the pipe foam.

2) Cut the pipe foam to be about 1/2 an inch longer than what measured in step 1.You can use sharp scissors or a sharp knife for this. It doesn't really matter. Just make sure it's sharp.

3) Wrap the gripping part with about 1/4 inch to 1/2 inch of electric tape. This is to make the foam fit better as the foam isn't exactly the diameter of the jar lifter.

4) Once the gripping part is a good diameter, slide in the foam and close the cylinder with the adhesive in the middle.

5) Do this for both sides of the jar lifter.

There you go! A Power Jelq for 1/6th cost and 10 minutes of work!