Thursday, February 18, 2010

Top 25 Worst Product Names

#25 - Bum Bum Banana

Starting off this countdown at #25 is Bum Bum Banana. Although it's a stupid name, it isn't as stupid or suggestive as the ones following in this countdown.

#24 - Tough Titties Nipple Rub

Although the product name is ridiculous, at least it does what it says.

#23 - Boudreaux's Butt Paste

Butt paste! Yum!

#22 - My Fannie

New product from Japan! Print paper for your ass!

#21 - Barf

Now you too can have your laundry smell like barf!

#20 -Vergina

Not quite Virgina...?

#19 - F-Cup Cookie

I think this product is supposed to make your boobs grow into F-cup size.

#18 - RetarDex

There's a scheme of putting "dex" after a word but where does the Retar come from?

#17 - Megapussi

"Mom! Can I get some megapussi?!"

#16 - Sars

"Hey Fred, give me some Sars"

#15 -Shitto

An accurate name describing shitty product.

#14 - Wack Off

I'd mistaken it for lube.

#13 - 666 Colds

For those really nasty colds.

#12 - Pee Cola

I wouldn't be suprised if it was made out of real pee.

#11 - Only Puke

Thanks for the heads up.

#10 - Soon Fatt

Not really a product name, but I had to include this one.

#9 - Cock Soup

It's like alphabet soup but instead, you have small cocks.

#8 - Cock Flavor

Perfect flavoring to go with your cock soup.

#7 - Jussipussi

Nothing to say here. It's Jussipussi.

#6 - Fart

it's Fart. Just Fart.

#5 - Coolpis

I love the taste of Coolpis as it goes down my throat. I mean come on, really? What kind of a fucking idiot -- oh nevermind.

#4 -Homo Soap

"Hello, would you happen to have any soap?" "Sorry sir, we're all out. All we have is the homo soap".

#3 - Retard Capsules

The creator of this product must of tried some.

#2 - Goldlen Gaytime

Possibly the gayest product name I've ever heard.

#1 - Ayds

Come on, really? I wonder if anyone responsbility for this product ever bothered saying the name ouloud? Look at the woman! "Oh no sir, I don't want your cake because I have FUCKING AIDS".

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