Monday, November 30, 2009

Final Fantasy 13's Cid is Revealed

Forget smelly old men, guys with cigars, weird men and yellow suits, make way for the new Cid! Finally, a Final Fantasy game where Cid actually looks somewhat awesome.

According the final fantasy wiki as seen here, Cid is apparently "a Brigadier of PSICOM in the Sanctum, and the commander of a war airship." So I guess Cid will be your source of an airship for this game too. He also wields a gun blade like lightning presumably.

Sunday, November 29, 2009


So I actually decided to take a look at the ads that were on my page. Probably a lot of your reactions were similar. "WTF is a 'shelldon'? Apparently it's some sort of weird thai animated series about.. underwater sea creatures? No wonder why my site never generates ad revnue. I have to admit, the CG looks pretty nice though rather than those OTHER kid shows.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Stupid Stuff We Did As Kids

So the question was asked "What are the stupid things you did as a kid?" on GameFAQS CE. Here is a small list of comments I'd like to share:

- Tried to be batman by jumping out of a tree.
- I once tried to run away to become a Pokemon master.
- Walked like Crash Bandicoot (didn't swing my arms) and looked like a nerd.
- You know that long piece of grass that's located on the left/right of Pallet Town? I thought I could go there
- While riding in a car, I looked outside a window and I imagine a man jumping all over obstacles
- Tried to be Firebrand from Demon's Crest by tying towels/plastic bags/ect. to myself and jumping off of high ledges.
- Tearing a larger plastic sword apart and slipping the blade over a smaller sword so that when I swung it, the blade would fly off like Link from the original Zelda game.
- I would put toilet paper rolls on my hand like Megaman, and whenever there was a balloon around, I would stretch the leftover end of it and snap the balloon around, thanks to the cover art of Megaman 8 looking just like a balloon.
- I thought "oral" had to do with sucking penis and didn't know it was referring to the mouth. I was stoked when I had my first dentist visit.
- Drew a purple door on my wall and thought that if I ran thru it I would go inside Barney (the purple dinosaur)'s house.
- Girls cracks and hoo has were connected
- Speed limits didn't exist. we just had a slow car
- Shoes were what defined a person's speed
- Thought "Dr." as in the street type stood for "Doctor".
- I tried going super saiyan one time
- I tried following gohan's energy lessons when he was training Videl
- Tried asking a girl out to the movies and ended up telling her I'm gay.
- Anyone remember that episode of Hey Arnold where Arnold learns to "feel the ball" and can make baskets with his eyes closed? Yeah I tried that...during actual games
- I once tried to leave home, and packed my stuff into a cereal box
- I thought I could be a pro in Yu Gi Oh by listening for the "heart of the cards"
- Tried to double jump
- Tried to charge ki and shoot a fireball or something
- Thought babies just naturally grow inside a woman once a couple is married
- Thought I had the force/tried to use it
- While walking around in the mall or whatever, I would make a person out of my hands (thumb is one arm, index is a leg, middle is a leg) and have him do tricks along everything
- Thought the f word was putting your middle finger up somebody's butthole
- Thought there were people controlling the traffic lights
- I used to think I'd grow up and build real life pokemon robots that you could catch
- My friend [tried to go super saiyan] and pooped himself.
- He also tried doing the Wolf Fang Fist and wound up getting hit in the head with a broom.

Post up your own

Dragon Age: Origins | Secret Gay Sex Scene

Apparently, this scene (for those who want actually want to see it!) is unlocked by "seducing the warrior elf Zevran with the correct combination of cheesy chat-up lines."

I haven't found a guide on how to do it yet, but I'll make sure to get it up as soon as I discover it.

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Picture Source:

Monday, November 23, 2009

Assassin's Creed II, Xbox 360 vs PS3 Graphics Comparison

It's too soon to say but here are some early comparisons between the two graphics. In my opinion, it looks like Xbox 360 wins over PS3. Hate to admit it, even though I'm a PS3 fan myself.

A more detailed look here and here.

Picture Sources:

What are the exclusively games for Xbox 360 and games for ps3?

This is a question I see come up a lot.

For Xbox 360:

For PS3:

There you go!

Are cracked servers legal?

The short answer: No, they are not legal.

Apparently, somewhere in the deep dark depths of the EULA (you know, the super long wall of text that you never bother to read when you install the game), that by installing and accepting the EULA, you also agree not to play on any cracked servers. Who knew! So by the simple fact that I decided spend my OWN money to buy Modern Warfare 2, I pretty much signed away my rights to use it in anyway I want!

Like many of you guys, on November 10th, 2009, I went out and bought Modern Warfare 2. I have both a Xbox 360 and a PC and I figured I'd rather buy the PC version since I'm a PC FPS gamer kinda guy.

To my dismay, I soon realized that the PC online capabilities sucked in comparison to the Xbox 360's. No dedicated servers? What gives?

I read recently that hackers out there have already managed to crack Modern Warfare 2 and manged to host cracked servers. Now, prior to this, I never really had a reason to want to play on a cracked server. If your copy is legit, why bother.

However, since Modern Warfare 2 has a serious lack of dedicated servers, it now leads me to want to play on Modern Warfare 2 cracked servers.

Too bad I can't.


Sunday, November 22, 2009

The Best and Worst of Cosplay



Saturday, November 21, 2009

Dragon Age: Origins Nude Patch

Credit to Zylch000 @

Check the read me for installation instructions

So I was playing some Dragon Age: Origins
the other day and something came to me: "Wouldn't it be great if my characters were nude?"

I decided to go download a nude patch, put it on and show you guys. Here's what my characters looked like before...

As you can see between the two, the nude patch doesn't really do much but make the bra transparent and add nipples. With Morrigon, it probably gives her a more "realistic" look as I would imagine that is what they'd look like in real life lol.