Monday, November 23, 2009

Are cracked servers legal?

The short answer: No, they are not legal.

Apparently, somewhere in the deep dark depths of the EULA (you know, the super long wall of text that you never bother to read when you install the game), that by installing and accepting the EULA, you also agree not to play on any cracked servers. Who knew! So by the simple fact that I decided spend my OWN money to buy Modern Warfare 2, I pretty much signed away my rights to use it in anyway I want!

Like many of you guys, on November 10th, 2009, I went out and bought Modern Warfare 2. I have both a Xbox 360 and a PC and I figured I'd rather buy the PC version since I'm a PC FPS gamer kinda guy.

To my dismay, I soon realized that the PC online capabilities sucked in comparison to the Xbox 360's. No dedicated servers? What gives?

I read recently that hackers out there have already managed to crack Modern Warfare 2 and manged to host cracked servers. Now, prior to this, I never really had a reason to want to play on a cracked server. If your copy is legit, why bother.

However, since Modern Warfare 2 has a serious lack of dedicated servers, it now leads me to want to play on Modern Warfare 2 cracked servers.

Too bad I can't.


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