Saturday, February 20, 2010

Homemade Power Jelq

Maybe some of you out have seen the "Power Jelq" device and wondered if it actually works. Maybe you wanted to give it a try. However, last time I checked, it was around $60+ dollars? Well, if you've been interested, I'm about to show you a way to make it for under $10.

What you will need:

A jar lifter (this one is the cheapest)

1/2 inch pipe foam insulation (with the adhesive already in there. It can be any length as long as its 1/2 inch)

Your favorite type of tape (electric works well)

Now that we've got all our parts together, it's time assemble.

1) Get measuring tape and measuring the length of the gripping part of the jar lifter. This is where you're going attach the pipe foam.

2) Cut the pipe foam to be about 1/2 an inch longer than what measured in step 1.You can use sharp scissors or a sharp knife for this. It doesn't really matter. Just make sure it's sharp.

3) Wrap the gripping part with about 1/4 inch to 1/2 inch of electric tape. This is to make the foam fit better as the foam isn't exactly the diameter of the jar lifter.

4) Once the gripping part is a good diameter, slide in the foam and close the cylinder with the adhesive in the middle.

5) Do this for both sides of the jar lifter.

There you go! A Power Jelq for 1/6th cost and 10 minutes of work!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Top 25 Worst Product Names

#25 - Bum Bum Banana

Starting off this countdown at #25 is Bum Bum Banana. Although it's a stupid name, it isn't as stupid or suggestive as the ones following in this countdown.

#24 - Tough Titties Nipple Rub

Although the product name is ridiculous, at least it does what it says.

#23 - Boudreaux's Butt Paste

Butt paste! Yum!

#22 - My Fannie

New product from Japan! Print paper for your ass!

#21 - Barf

Now you too can have your laundry smell like barf!

#20 -Vergina

Not quite Virgina...?

#19 - F-Cup Cookie

I think this product is supposed to make your boobs grow into F-cup size.

#18 - RetarDex

There's a scheme of putting "dex" after a word but where does the Retar come from?

#17 - Megapussi

"Mom! Can I get some megapussi?!"

#16 - Sars

"Hey Fred, give me some Sars"

#15 -Shitto

An accurate name describing shitty product.

#14 - Wack Off

I'd mistaken it for lube.

#13 - 666 Colds

For those really nasty colds.

#12 - Pee Cola

I wouldn't be suprised if it was made out of real pee.

#11 - Only Puke

Thanks for the heads up.

#10 - Soon Fatt

Not really a product name, but I had to include this one.

#9 - Cock Soup

It's like alphabet soup but instead, you have small cocks.

#8 - Cock Flavor

Perfect flavoring to go with your cock soup.

#7 - Jussipussi

Nothing to say here. It's Jussipussi.

#6 - Fart

it's Fart. Just Fart.

#5 - Coolpis

I love the taste of Coolpis as it goes down my throat. I mean come on, really? What kind of a fucking idiot -- oh nevermind.

#4 -Homo Soap

"Hello, would you happen to have any soap?" "Sorry sir, we're all out. All we have is the homo soap".

#3 - Retard Capsules

The creator of this product must of tried some.

#2 - Goldlen Gaytime

Possibly the gayest product name I've ever heard.

#1 - Ayds

Come on, really? I wonder if anyone responsbility for this product ever bothered saying the name ouloud? Look at the woman! "Oh no sir, I don't want your cake because I have FUCKING AIDS".

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Biggest Boobs in Video Games

Biggest and best in the

video game industry! Oversized titties FTW!

Honorable Mention

Rachel - Ninja Gaiden

Selvaria - Valkyria Chronicles

Kongiku - Muramasa

Taki - Soul Calibur

I'm not sure how much protection this suit provides, nor how much support it provides. But who cares?! NIPPLES!

10. Sheena Fujibayashi - Tales of Symphonia

9. Judith - Tales of Vesperia

I don't know why, but I've always gain an attachment from the motherly characters in video games with big boobs. So much so that I am unable to finish Tales of Vesperia :(.

8. Lulu - Final Fantasy X

7. Jill Valentine - Resident Evil

6. Lara Croft - Tomb Raider

5. Girls of Dead or Alive
Dead or Alive Xtreme Volleyball is really a joke. I mean come on, "Let's make a incredibly erotic game targeted at horny teens and here's the best part, we'll force them to play VOLLEYBALL!"

4. Mai Shiranui - Fatal Fury/King of Fighters

All that jiggly goodness! I remember playing Fatal Fury as a child, I'd just sit there and not do anything and watch Mai's boob's go up and down, up and down. What can I say, I was a playboy.

3. Morrigan - Dark Stalkers

2. Tifa Lockhart - Final Fantasy VII
Remember when we first played Final Fantasy VII and we all oogled over Tifa's polygonal/triangular boobs? Damn! Those were the days!

1. Ivy - Soul Calibur

Ooo~ Ivy! She can whip me anytime ;) Just not with the pointy end.